Why choose Dr. Tammy
Wu for Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery?
- Her consultation for
tummy tuck surgery is detail oriented, it can last about
1 hour. This is direct one-on-one contact with Dr.
Tammy Wu, the Plastic Surgeon.
- She is a top
intellectual and extremely skilled with her dexterity,
and is a perfectionist. She graduated number
one from her medical school (Brown University, Ivy
League), scored over 95th percentile on several national
tests for plastic surgeons, and graduated from a top
Plastic Surgery training program (Southern Illinois
University), where graduates have become chairmen at
Harvard University Programs and Presidents of the
American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
- She is a gifted
communicator. Language skills is her talent.
Besides being fluent in English, Chinese, and Taiwanese
- Dr. Tammy Wu participated in a national French
language competition (before medical school) and she
placed 2nd in the United States for speaking French.
She has also worked as a reporter for a radio station at
Brown University. And currently she has been seen
with multiple appearances on Modesto television stations
discussing plastic surgery and body contouring / tummy
- She is a teacher:
She is currently on the staff of UC Davis as a
Volunteer Assistant Professor. She has also taught
several rotating medical students, physician assistant
students, and nursing students while working in Modesto.
She runs a program called Surgical Artistry Academy
which teaches the community about medicine in general
and cosmetic surgery, including tummy tuck surgery.
- She is a musician and
pianist: She is mainly self taught on the
piano. It gives her a chance to improve on her
dexterity skills which translate into extreme precision
in the operating room when performing abdominoplastiess
(tummy tuck surgeries). She is an active supporter
of the performing arts, especially via the Modesto
Symphony and Gallo Center for the Arts.
- She is an athlete:
Formerly as a runner, she has won many races (mostly
5k's) in her age group. She has run 2 marathons in
the past, several 10K's and half marathons. With
her interest in athletics, she is well qualified to
discuss any changes or concerns in abdominal muscles
function with abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
- She is experienced.
See the next section on profile of Dr. Tammy Wu's
- Emphasis on reducing
pain: She has ready access to pain reducing
techniques. Dr. Lee works in the office and
routinely performs pain reducing acupuncture on many
other patients. Dr. Wu's brother is an
anesthesiologist in Los Angeles, and has given much
advice on pain management during and after surgery.
And she routinely uses long acting pain medicines (ie.
marcaine in addition to lidocaine) injected into the
surgical sites and at times will use pain pumps.
She is a big proponent of using pain pumps for her
patient's recovery after tummy tuck surgery.
- Partnership with a
general surgeon: If you have a hernia such as an
umbilical hernia or incisional (ventral) hernia.
Dr. Calvin Lee who is part of Dr. Tammy Wu's practice
can provide expert hernia repair at the same time as
your tummy tuck surgery.
- Has been a patient
herself. She has been a consumer of plastic surgery
- Patient safety is of
highest concern: She operates at hospital
affiliated surgery centers and uses board certified
anesthesiologists. This way she has access to all
the equipment and expertise available to a hospital,
rather than have the operation be office based.
- Surgeon
accessibility: Patients can receive access to
Dr. Wu 24/7 via cell phone.
- Many other special
features of Surgical Artistry, Inc: Her staff
was interviewed as to what they thought made Dr. Wu's
practice different. The question posed was:
What makes our practice different from others.
The answers are shown unchanged. Surgical
Artistry, Inc is the name of her Plastic Surgery office.
- Call us for price

Dr. Tammy Wu's
practice profile 10-23-06 to 10-23-07 (new data coming
- Number of new patients
seen over the last year: 678
- Number of patient
visits over the last year: 3665
- Range in number of new
patients seen over one month: 40-80
- Range in number of
patient visits over one month: 200-450
- Number of years since
graduation from medical school (as of 10-23-07):
Over 10 years
- Number of years in
Modesto, CA (as of 10-23-07): Over 5 years
- Total number of
employees: 8
- Number of full time
employees in Modesto: 5
- Days per week worked:
5-7 days per week.
- Surgery days per week:
2-5 days per week.
- On-call for hospitals:
Yes. Doctors Medical Center, Modesto and Memorial
Medical Center, Modesto.
- Before and after
pictures: Yes. Free viewing in the office.
Not on websites for patient privacy. Call our
office to make an appointment to see the tummy tuck
before and after folder.
- Modesto office square
feet: 3000+
- Modesto Location: 4754
Dale Road, Modesto, CA 95356 (we moved March 2019)
- Telephone (Modesto):
- website:
Modesto TummyTuck statistics
listed above provided by our EMR Software PrognoCis. |
What is a tummy tuck?
A tummy tuck is surgery to flatten the abdomen by removing
excess fat and skin and tightening the muscles of abdominal
wall. There are several different versions of tummy
tucks including the mini-tummy tuck. The tummy tuck
that is right for you will be determined by your goals and
your plastic surgeon. Tummy tuck surgery is also known
as an abdominoplasty.
How long does it take to perform the
2 to 5 hours.
Will I be awake during surgery? What type of anesthetic is
used for tummy tuck surgery?
You will not be awake during your
tummy tuck surgery; it is done under a general anesthetic.
Will I have to stay the night in the hospital after tummy
tuck surgery?
Tummy tuck surgery is usually an
outpatient (same day surgery) procedure. Occasionally,
depending on individual circumstances and extent of surgery,
a hospital stay may be necessary.
Are there any side effects of tummy tuck surgery?
Possible side effects include, but are
not limited to, temporary pain, swelling, soreness, numbness
of abdominal skin, bruising, tiredness for several weeks or
What are the possible risks of tummy tuck surgery?
The possible risks include, but are
not limited to, infection, bleeding under the skin flap,
poor healing resulting in conspicuous scarring or skin loss,
need for a second operation, blood clots or stroke.
How long will it take the scar to fade/flatten after tummy
tuck surgery?
It will take between 6 months to 2
years for the scar fade/flatten after tummy tuck surgery.

Does Dr. Wu do liposuction at the same time as a tummy tuck?
Definitely, however, not all patients
are good candidates for liposuction at the same time as a
tummy tuck. It depends on the patient and Dr. Wu will let
you know during your consultation.
Will I have drains after a tummy tuck? If
so, for how long?
Almost all patients that have a tummy tuck
will have drains placed during the surgery. There is no set
time for the drains to be in place. Patients that have
drains placed during surgery must track the amount of fluid
put out by the drain. When the amount of fluid put out by
the drain falls below 30cc over a 24-hour period for 2
consecutive days, then the drains will be removed.
How long will I have to wear the abdominal
binder/compression garment?
After a tummy tuck you will need to
wear the abdominal binder/compression garment usually for 6
weeks after surgery. You will not be able to do any heavy
lifting, sit-ups, or vigorous exercise during this time
either. For people who have lost more than 100 pounds or so,
the compression will need to be worn for a longer period of
How long after surgery, can I resume sexual activity?
You usually must wait 6 weeks after
your surgery to engage in sexual activity.
How long will I be off work after tummy tuck surgery?
It depends on the type of work you do.
If you have a job that does not require heavy lifting or
standing for long periods, you can go back to work after 2
weeks. However, if your job does require heavy lifting or
prolonged standing, you will be off work for usually 6
When can I drive after tummy tuck surgery?
Usually within 2 weeks of surgery, you
will be able to drive. However, it may be sooner or later
than this amount of time, and you must be off all the
prescription pain medications before you can drive.
Can I combine other procedures at the same time?
If you are interested in having
additional procedures at the same time as your tummy tuck, make sure that you
mention it to Dr. Wu. Dr. Wu will determine after a full
evaluation whether those procedures can be done at the same
What are some other
resources on the web about Tummy Tucks?
Tummy Tuck - wikipedia entry
Tummy Tuck - American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Tummy Tuck - in 3D, detailed surgery description
© Modesto Tummy Tuck, 2007, Dr.
Tammy Wu, MD -
Plastic Surgery Modesto |

Diagram showing the incisions and scars from
a full tummy tuck
questions sent to us through this web page and answered
directly by Dr. Tammy Wu
Any updates to
Tummy Tuck webpage?
As a matter of
fact, yes! Dr. Tammy Wu has written a brand new Tummy
Tuck webpage in June 2012. Take a look here:
Modesto Tummy Tuck Information - a new web page
written by Dr. Wu herself. This page is written by Dr.
Lee and her staff at Surgical Artistry, Modesto, CA.
How do you suture the
belly button? Are the sutures hidden inside the belly
button or are they around it? Of all things, a freakish
looking belly button is what scares me the most!
Dr. Tammy
Wu Answers on Tummy Tuck Modesto:
Regarding belly
button suturing, I place all the belly button sutures
internally, as I do with the lower abdominal incision. There
are no external sutures to be removed. They are of the
dissolving type. I do perform several layers of
closure to optimize the healing and scarring. Often,
because of the way that I reconstruct the belly button, the
belly button scar is usually not very visible, and sometimes
not at all. But everyone heals differently even with the
same or similar techniques. But you may come in our office
and view the before and after photos of tummy tucks any time
at your leisure prior to your consultation
Can I get pregnant
after a tummy tuck surgery? How does pregnancy affect
tummy tucks? How soon after pregnancy can I get a
tummy tuck surgery?
Dr. Tammy
Wu Answers on Tummy Tuck Modesto:
In general, we recommend
that tummy tuck surgery be performed after one is done with
pregnancy. Abdominoplasties (tummy tucks) not only
shorten the trunk in a vertical fashion, it usually also
involves a muscle tightening portion which tightens the
belly in a horizontal (circumferential) vector. Having
a baby causes both these vectors to loosen and can
especially damage the sutures used in the muscle tightening
portion of the tummy tuck. We have known some patients
to unexpectedly become pregnant after a tummy tuck surgery.
We understand that this can happen. In these cases, we
would expect some laxity to occur in the abdominal wall.
For some patients, they may need revision surgery to obtain
that pre-pregancy appearance.
Regarding timing after
pregnancy. In general, we recommend about 3 months
after one is done breast feeding. Breast feeding
causes changes in a woman's hormones that affect the shape
of the abdomen and affect the healing from tummy tuck
How come
you haven't updated your tummy tuck webpage?
We make small changes here
and there. We just haven't gotten many interesting
questions I guess. We have made many changes to our
Modesto Botox
webpage and our usual
Plastic Surgery
Modesto webpage. Dr. Lee has since made a webpage
Cellulite Busting Machines - it's just a web page with
information about cellulite (including the stages of
cellulite), we don't own any of these machines or lasers.
Should I keep a pillow
under my knees after tummy tuck surgery? If so, for
how long?
Dr. Tammy
Wu Answers on Tummy Tuck Modesto:
This is what we tell our
patients in our Modesto
Plastic Surgery practice:
Place a pillow under your knees when sleeping on your back
in order to take the stress off of the surgical area for 2
weeks. After that one can start to sleep flat,
allowing the area to stretch. Your plastic surgeon may
have slightly different suggestions, please check with him
or her.
Keep sending us
your tummy tuck questions! We won't publish all
questions, we'll of course review and determine if they are
appropriate for our tummy tuck web site. And we'll
keep them anonymous if we share the questions and answers.
You will get answers to your questions in your email, so you
do not need to check back on this web site.

Summary description of Modesto
Tummy Tuck webpage
Modesto Tummy Tuck is a web
page created by the staff of Surgical Artistry based on
answers to questions asked frequently (FAQ) of Dr. Tammy Wu,
MD. Dr. Wu has a plastic surgery practice based in
Modesto, CA. The web page begins by describing Dr.
Tammy Wu and her credentials and expertise including number
of plastic surgery cases performed per year which include
tummy tuck surgeries. Also included is the cost of
tummy tuck surgery. Note that tummy tuck pricing/costs
are variable across the country. She specializes in
many different areas of plastic surgery, but tummy tuck
along with breast augmentation remain some of her most
common surgeries. And the web page concludes with some
recent questions that have been asked by entering questions
through this website. Questions regarding tummy tuck
include the new appearance of the belly button (umbilicus)
and the timing of pregnancy with tummy tuck surgery. See the entry box below
to ask your questions!

For other details, visit
our personally designed
plastic surgery web pages:
about Dr. Tammy Wu] [Meet
our Aesthetician] [General
Surgery] [Veins]
[Acupuncture / Alternative
Medicine] [Breast Implant
Modesto FAQ] [Beyond Nip
[Docs Play the Pops] [New
to Modesto] [AskDrWu]
[Modesto Botox-Buddies]
Latisse FAQ]
© Surgical Artistry, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Thank you for visiting
Modesto Tummy Tuck

(209) 551-1888

Dr. Tammy Wu
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Surgical Artistry, Inc.
Modesto, CA
(209) 551-1888

4754 Dale Road
Modesto, CA 95355.
telephone: 209-551-1888,
call for your tummy tuck consultation
email: staff [at] surgerytoday.com

Above is a picture of our
old office buiding. This Tummy Tuck Modesto web
page is part of a group of web pages describing the procedures performed
by Dr. Tammy Wu, at Surgical Artistry, Modesto.